Electromagnetic fields (EMF) have a significant influence on living organisms. In normal individuals exposure to waves emitted by home or office appliances contributeto biochemical changes, the release of substances present in cancer and other degenerative diseases.
Decreased levels of acetylcholine (Ach), nitrous oxide (NO), circulatory changes with the presence of thromboxane B2 (TXB2), temporal appearance of theoncogen C-fos Ab2, oncogene C-Fos Ab1, of Alpha 5 beta 1 integrin. These factors are the same as those associated with cancerous or precancerous conditions. Such changes are observed when the human body is exposed in the long term to extreme low frequency electric fields (ELF-EMF) of less than 2 KHz, this includes the domestic electric current of 50 to 60 Hz if the current is between 5 V/m- 100 V/m. Some sources of these waves are personal computers, color tv or screens, game sets, microwave ovens and cell phones. Unexpectedly also some electronic alarm clocks, metal frames on some windows, power lines and even most mattresses with metal springs.
Decreased levels of acetylcholine (Ach), nitrous oxide (NO), circulatory changes with the presence of thromboxane B2 (TXB2), temporal appearance of theoncogen C-fos Ab2, oncogene C-Fos Ab1, of Alpha 5 beta 1 integrin. These factors are the same as those associated with cancerous or precancerous conditions. Such changes are observed when the human body is exposed in the long term to extreme low frequency electric fields (ELF-EMF) of less than 2 KHz, this includes the domestic electric current of 50 to 60 Hz if the current is between 5 V/m- 100 V/m. Some sources of these waves are personal computers, color tv or screens, game sets, microwave ovens and cell phones. Unexpectedly also some electronic alarm clocks, metal frames on some windows, power lines and even most mattresses with metal springs.
In addition, when the intensity of the fields is extremely high (more than 100 to several hundred V/m), the concentration of Alpha 5 beta 1 is significantly elevated. By increasing the frequency to 50 megaHertz or more, a marked increase occurs in the oncogene C-Fos Ab2, Alpha 5 beta 1 integrin, almost disappearance of ACh and NO. In the case of frequencies above 0.1-0.5 GHz, these alterations are very significant. If the human body is exposed for 5 minutes to a cell phone at cm, the effect usually lasts 5 minutes or more after discontinuing the exposure. But at higher frequencies and intensities, with shorter distances these undesirable effects last longer exposure .
Prolonged exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields (HF-EMF),electromagnetic fields (EF) or magnetic fields (MF) at 60 Hz or 16 kHz in the alcove or work area contributes to some medical problems considered intractable. Most clinical symptoms appear after exposure to EMF for several hours a day for several months to 1 year in cases of relatively benign diseases or symptoms (such as intractable pain). In the most serious cases after more than 10 years of exposure, cancer of the digestive system or other organs. These problems also occur with the additional occurrence of microcirculatory alterations of TXB2, bacterial or viral infections and decrease or absence of acetylcholine and deposits of lead, mercuryor aluminum with or without asbestos.
In studies patients with cancer or cardiovascular problems lived under strong electromagnetic fields with extreme high frequency. The most common source of this source is generated in mattresses with metallic springs, with their free end in the direction of the sleeping person. The risk occurs when they are exposed to the same field for approximately 7-10 years. Common commercial devices are unable to detect these fields because they detect up to 400 KHz or less than 10 GHz.Exposure to cell phones in transmission mode as well as to microwave ovens also produces these changes in the human body. The field action can be quantitatively identified and estimated by Omura's BDORT (Bidigital O-Ring test).
In addition, the benefit in reducing its effect has been proven, with neutralizers and electromagnetic shock. Bioavailability of drugs in some cases of asbestos asthma is favored by the use of electromagnetic EMF neutralizers placed near the accumulation site.
In conclusion, it is important to decrease the effect of harmful electromagnetic fields by eliminating or decreasing their influence. In the case of electronic devices it is advisable to disconnect them completely during the night and when they are out of use, in addition to placing a suitable EMF buffers or neutralizer. Also change the mattresses with metal for another without these. In the case of windows and metal structures it is convenient to make their connection to a physical ground. EMF neutralizers and shock absorbers are also available for cell phones.
1. Omura Y, Losco M. Electro-magnetic fields in the home environment (color TV, computer monitor, microwave oven, cellular phone, etc) as potential contributing factors for the induction of oncogen C-fos Ab1, oncogen C-fos Ab2, integrin alpha 5 beta 1 and development of cancer, as well as effects of microwave on amino acid composition of food and living human brain. Acupunct Electrother Res. 1993 Jan-Mar;18(1):33-73.
2. Omura Y, Losco M, Omura AK, Yamamoto S, Ishikawa H, Takeshige C, Shimotsuura Y, Muteki T. Chronic or intractable medical problems associated with prolonged exposure to unsuspected harmful environmental electric, magnetic or electro-magnetic fields radiating in the bedroom or workplace and their exacerbation by intake of harmful light and heavy metals from common sources. Acupunct Electrother Res. 1991;16(3-4):143-77.
3. Omura Y, Henoch A, Shimotsuura Y, Duvvi H, Kawashima H, Ohk M. A. Severe asthma with markedly increased asbestos of 2 types & TXB2, and markedly reduced acetylcholine, DHEA & drug uptake in parts of upper lungs, & similar abnormalities at respiratory & cardiac center of medulla oblongata: complete elimination of this asthma within 15 days using one optimal dose of astragalus & application of strong red light & EMF neutralizer on respiratory centers of abnormal medulla oblongata. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2009;34(1-2):41-73.